24 Fairview Cove Road

Fairview NC, 28730

(828) 628-4967​

[email protected]

From our Blog

Occasionally we she share what is happening at the Cove, and locally. Peruse our blog articles!

The Cove News

Rhododendron Bloom!

Seen here is a Rhododendron in bloom. The native Rhododendron is different from cultivated Rhododendrons. Of all of our mountain

Etta Garden improvements
My Roundette

Etta Garden!

We have been making improvements at the Etta Garden! Shown here is Frank taking a much needed break and his

Baby Chicks!
The Cove News

Baby Chicks!!

Recently we got ten chicks, 5 Barred Rocks and 5 Buff Orpingtons. They will live in a large enclosure in

Weather Gauge - The Cove at Fairview - Vacation Rentals - Asheville, NC
The Cove News

Weather Gauge!

This weather gauge was used by William (Bill) Moore to measure rainfall in Moncure, NC for the National Weather Service.